His Labyrinth

Give thought to the Minotaur, imprisoned forever within the maddening, endless walls of his Cretian Labryinth. He lives grasping to faint feelings of humanity, but enslaved to the never ending thirst for blood. Loneliness, longing and insanity must plague his soul.

This piece depicts the monster’s humanity, as he gently approaches one of the virgin maidens sent as his sacrifice.

The intended feeling could be terror, love, sensuality, curiosity, longing.. You, the viewer, must decide. As I painted them into being, I imagined the beast being struck by the soft, pale skin of his victim. The smooth, femininity of her voice piercing his heart with pain for the days he’s longed to hear someone speak. This is the beast, tamed by the reflection of humanity that haunts him day and night. The girl trembles beneath him in acceptance of whatever he might do. She knows, she belongs to him.