
338970_10150460870068185_695564837_oMy art is given life because of the reason for my every breath, which is to ascend in my understanding of the world, my own soul, the souls of others, and the beyond. Finding black and white paint at a very young age saved me from the oppression of my own pain, and gave me a reason to live. Most of my paintings remain without color, even still. Music has an enormous effect on my visions, with much thanks to the religious deprivation of most music as a child. It made the discovery and my appreciation so much more beautiful, and my connection unbreakable.

My private life is consumed by my little boy, my art, and my pursuit of clinical psychology, specializing with abuse victims. Everyday is a chance for a small adventure in our world. Fresh fruits, veggies, dark chocolate and coffee make me happy. I’m becoming a bit of an animal rights activist and vegetarian, with no regard for the rights of shrimp.

This blog is dedicated to the development of Ameilia, as an artist. With each piece I create, I will introspect on where my concept and inspiration came from. The sites where my paintings can be bought will also be listed. Thank you for being a part of my adventures on canvas.

Ameilia Tesch-Snyder

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